Moving Caster Kit
Price $ 358.22 (+$59.00 s&h)
The MOving Caster Kit (MCK) allows for a vehicle, while on the lift, to be moved to the work area, around the garage and back to storage location. During a seasonal storage, the kit will allow you to move the vehicle if needed. The kit is equipped with 6 inches [15 cm] swivel casters diameter by 2 inch [5 cm] wide. The casters are of none marking wheels with roller bearing. Two (2) of the casters have Brakes and the other two (2) are equipped with Four Position Swivel Lock plungers. Locking two (2) of the casters allows for a very precise movement of the vehicle - back and fort or sideways. The swivel locks can be disengaged for a free swivel movement.
Customers are also using the kit to open up space for parking a third car in a 2 or 2-1/2 car garage.
Installing the casters is extremely easy. Just raise the EZcarlift™ 18+ inches [45+cm] and connect them to the lift's legs via the quick release pins. To engage the moving casters the lift will have to be lowered to about 16 inches [40 cm] off the floor. Once attached, the casters could be left on the lift during its entire operation. Before lowering the vehicle all the way to the ground, the Moving Caster Kit has to be removed!
The MCK is also very handy with the Motorcycle Lifting Kit and the Work Bench Kit.
Load capacity of the MCK is 3,500 lbs [1,6 ton] - above that weight it becomes extremely hard to maneuver the car.
NOTE: Lifts shipped before April of 2020, an installation of a Anti Friction Kit (AFK) may be required - Anti Friction Kit installation video